Tipper on trucks
Tipper on trucks Vehicle type: Metal square body Type of use: Constructions quarry asphalt A true industry innovation. This is the tipping platform that revolutionized the dump truck sector several times over and set new standards for the industry worldwide. Acquired by Tecnokar in 2012, its legacy for innovation and quality is assured for the […]
Grizzly F1
Grizzly F1 Vehicle type: Metal round body Type of use: Costrunctions quarry asphalt The Supertop’s big brother. The Grizzly is a tough 2-axle tipper that is the perfect partner to a 3-axle truck. It is available in a choice of bodies; square for the transportation of heavy rock loads or round for greater on-site manoeuvrability. […]
Supertop Vehicle type: Metal round body Type of use: Constructions quarry asphalt A bestseller and justifiably so, this tipping semitrailer was made to meet the demands of construction sites and quarries. Distinctive in appearance, its steel round body is the first of its kind since the 1990s. It comes with a number of tailgate options, […]